Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Mindset Worked today

I organised to walk around Lake Monger this afternoon with Helen M, one of the Perth Crew Lovelies. We set the time for 5pm but I finished work early...dilemna!! not wanting to hang around longer at work and home being in the opposite direction, the old me would have cancelled the walk.

New me took the opportunity to get there early planning to run a 4km lap first before the walk. Well I did do a 4km loop but unfortunately my DOMS from Jacobs Ladder yesterday didnt want me to run!! After 500m and some serious cramping I decided to walk it and hopefully stretch out some soreness.

Helen turned up at 5 and we did another lap so 8km in total for me :) then we went to Leederville for coffee, I got a decaf so i can sleep tonight lol. Buggers used full cream milk so i only had half of it, was way to rich for me! Sitting at the coffee shop talking and people watching I couldnt help but smile at how wonderful my life is :)

Tink xxx

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 off to a fabulous start

WOW 3 days in to the New Year and I already have heaps to share!

New Years Eve we celebrated the wedding of our close friends, I had a few drinks and I danced up a storm all night :) getting home at 3.30am I set my alarm knowing I had to be up at 7am for my first workout of the year. It was bloody hard but with my "Woman of Your Word" mantra pounding in my head I dragged myself out of bed and got ready to meet the wonderful Sarah (akaByclops). We had decided to not only start the year with a workout but to tackle something we hadnt done before so we hit the Kokoda Trail at Kings Park. We did 3 runs of those uneven stairs and walked up to Jacobs Ladder, did one round and then ran the last kilometre back to Kokoda to get a snap :) I couldnt resist a planking snap too, my gosh that was one skinny pole lol

Day 2 of 2012 saw Sarah and myself head up to the Northern suburbs for a group circuit workout with Sarah (of Sarah&Bernie fame), Amy, Helen, Lesley and Natalie. It was an awesome workout, I burnt 618 cals and got some great Ab DOMS to boot hehe (thanks Amy for suggesting the medicine ball sit ups)

The 3rd of Jan and its my niece Charlotte's 5th birthday :) we had a chat on the phone this morning, soooo cute! After work I met Sarah&Bernie and Natalie to tackle Jacobs Ladder. The girls had already done the DNA tower so they headed off after 5 repeats. I set myself the goal of 10, my previous best was 3! After 10 I thought, why am I stopping at 10, I can do another and so I did! Some nice looking fellas turned up as I was heading back up for 11 so I decided to do one more teehee and finished with a nice even 12 as in 2012 cool. Oh and the blurry photo is courtesy of sweat on my phone, need to find a better place than my bra hehehe

2012 and I still believe

The topic going at the moment is "if you could choose one word to capture the year ahead what would it be?" Mine is BELIEVE!

2011 was a fantastic year, I started to believe in myself, I could lose weight, i could run a half marathon, do a triathlon, fly on the high trapeze, rock climb. You name it I did it and all because I found a self belief that I could do anything.

I actually chose my 12wbt username as yes I love Tinkerbell. She's a fairy and I decided to be that fairy and believe in myself because "everytime someone stops believing, a fairy dies" I had stopped believing in myself and yes I felt dead. Anyway now that ive explained that, back to the topic.

Thinking about 2012 I thought...hmmmm what will my word be?? Consistency was a strong contender, I need consistency to achieve my goals but it didnt cut it. BELIEVE is still there very strongly in my mind so that is it folks, this year I will BELIEVE.

I believe I will reach my goal weight, I believe my body will tone and look super athletic, I believe I will run several half marathons, I believe I will try new experiences, I believe I will make more new friends and I believe 2012 will be even more awesome than the fanbloodytastic 2011!!!!